Andrew is versatile actor based in Belfast. With his role as the English producer Dave White in Dominic O’Neil’s debut feature “Haunted Ulster Live” (which premiered at Belfast Film Fest in 2023) and an extensive list of audiobook credits both for American, Canadian and British authors, Andrew displays a clear aptitude for accents. While his rich vocal tones have lent themselves well to his successful VoiceOver career which spans corporate, commercial and video game work, he has also featured in on-screen roles for such productions as Oorlagh George’s “Stranger With A Camera”, Colum Eastwood’s thriller “Black Medicine” and the BBC show “Bloodlands” where he played the role of Fr. Simon Quinlan.
Perhaps best known to many in Northern Ireland as “the dad from the Spar ads” for the last year and counting, Andrew also happens to be a family man in the real world. As his colleagues in the industry will attest to, Andrew is a pleasure to work with and he’s truly in his element when working with fellow creatives on bringing a story to life.